Kaynağa Gözat

rename the member to PlannedArrivalTime for better readability

Sven Czarnian 3 yıl önce
3 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 36 ekleme ve 37 silme
  1. 24 24
  2. 10 10
  3. 2 3

+ 24 - 24

@@ -32,26 +32,20 @@ class RecedingHorizonControl:
             plannedInbound = self.Windows[index].inbound(inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign)
             plannedInbound.CurrentPosition = inbound.CurrentPosition
             plannedInbound.MaximumTimeToGain = inbound.MaximumTimeToGain
-            # get the reference time and update some times in case no replacement is needed
-            if plannedInbound.InitialArrivalTime == plannedInbound.EarliestArrivalTime + plannedInbound.MaximumTimeToGain:
-                plannedInbound.InitialArrivalTime = inbound.InitialArrivalTime
-                plannedInbound.EarliestArrivalTime = inbound.EarliestArrivalTime
-                plannedInbound.EstimatedArrivalTime = inbound.EstimatedArrivalTime
-                reference = inbound.EarliestArrivalTime
-            else:
-                plannedInbound.InitialArrivalTime = inbound.InitialArrivalTime
-                if plannedInbound.EarliestArrivalTime < inbound.EarliestArrivalTime:
+            plannedInbound.ArrivalCandidates = inbound.ArrivalCandidates
+            # check if we need to update the inbound
+            if plannedInbound.PlannedArrivalTime < inbound.EarliestArrivalTime:
+                if inbound.EarliestArrivalTime < self.Windows[index].StartTime or inbound.EarliestArrivalTime >= self.Windows[index].EndTime:
+                    self.Windows[index].remove(inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign)
+                    self.AssignedWindow.pop(inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign)
+                    self.update(inbound)
+                else:
+                    plannedInbound.PlannedStar = inbound.PlannedStar
+                    plannedInbound.PlannedRunway = inbound.PlannedRunway
+                    plannedInbound.InitialArrivalTime = inbound.InitialArrivalTime
                     plannedInbound.EarliestArrivalTime = inbound.EarliestArrivalTime
-                if plannedInbound.EstimatedArrivalTime < inbound.EstimatedArrivalTime:
-                    plannedInbound.EstimatedArrivalTime = inbound.EstimatedArrivalTime
-                reference = plannedInbound.EarliestArrivalTime
-            # update the windows
-            if reference < self.Windows[index].StartTime or reference >= self.Windows[index].EndTime:
-                self.Windows[index].remove(inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign)
-                self.AssignedWindow.pop(inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign)
-                self.update(inbound)
+                    plannedInbound.PlannedArrivalTime = inbound.EarliestArrivalTime
             inserted = False
             for i in range(0, len(self.Windows)):
@@ -61,6 +55,7 @@ class RecedingHorizonControl:
                 if window.StartTime <= inbound.EarliestArrivalTime and window.EndTime > inbound.EarliestArrivalTime:
                     if i > self.FreezedIndex:
                         self.AssignedWindow[inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign] = [ i, 0 ]
+                        inbound.PlannedArrivalTime = inbound.EarliestArrivalTime
                     inserted = True
@@ -78,7 +73,8 @@ class RecedingHorizonControl:
                     if self.Windows[-1].EndTime > inbound.EarliestArrivalTime:
                         self.AssignedWindow[inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign] = [ len(self.Windows) - 1, 0 ]
-                        self.Windows[-1].Inbounds.sort(key = lambda x: x.EarliestArrivalTime)
+                        inbound.PlannedArrivalTime = max(self.Windows[-1].StartTime, inbound.EarliestArrivalTime)
+                        self.Windows[-1].Inbounds.sort(key = lambda x: x.PlannedArrivalTime)
                     lastWindowTime = self.Windows[-1].EndTime
@@ -99,20 +95,24 @@ class RecedingHorizonControl:
     def optimizationRelevantInbounds(self):
         # no new inbounds
         if len(self.Windows) <= self.FreezedIndex:
-            return None
+            return None, None
         inbounds = []
+        earliestArrivalTime = None
         # check the overlapping windows
-        for i in range(self.FreezedIndex + 1, min(len(self.Windows), self.FreezedIndex + 1 + self.Configuration.WindowOverlap)):
+        #for i in range(self.FreezedIndex + 1, min(len(self.Windows), self.FreezedIndex + 1 + self.Configuration.WindowOverlap)):
+        for i in range(0, len(self.Windows)):
+            if None == earliestArrivalTime:
+                earliestArrivalTime = self.Windows[i].StartTime
             for inbound in self.Windows[i].Inbounds:
         # check if we found relevant inbounds
         if 0 != len(inbounds):
-            return inbounds
+            return inbounds, earliestArrivalTime
-            return None
+            return None, None
     def cleanupWindows(self):
         currentUtc = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time())).replace(tzinfo = pytz.UTC)

+ 10 - 10

@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ class Worker(Thread):
                 print('FCFS run:')
                 for window in self.RecedingHorizonControl.Windows:
                     for inbound in window.Inbounds:
-                        print('    ' + inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign + ': ' + str(inbound.EstimatedArrivalTime) + '; ' + str(inbound.EarliestArrivalTime))
-            # get the last landing aircrafts per runway before the RHC stage to check for constraints
-            # this is required to handle the overlap between windows
-            preceedingInbounds = {}
-            for runway in self.sequencingConfiguration.ActiveArrivalRunways:
-                inbound = self.RecedingHorizonControl.lastFixedInboundOnRunway(runway.Runway.Name)
-                if None != inbound:
-                    preceedingInbounds[runway.Runway.Name] = inbound
+                        print('    ' + inbound.Report.aircraft.callsign + ': ' + str(inbound.InitialArrivalTime) + '; ' + str(inbound.EarliestArrivalTime))
             # search the ACO relevant aircrafts
-            relevantInbounds = self.RecedingHorizonControl.optimizationRelevantInbounds()
+            relevantInbounds, earliestArrivalTime = self.RecedingHorizonControl.optimizationRelevantInbounds()
             if None != relevantInbounds:
+                # get the last landing aircrafts per runway before the RHC stage to check for constraints
+                # this is required to handle the overlap between windows
+                preceedingInbounds = {}
+                for runway in self.sequencingConfiguration.ActiveArrivalRunways:
+                    inbound = self.RecedingHorizonControl.lastFixedInboundOnRunway(runway.Runway.Name)
+                    if None != inbound:
+                        preceedingInbounds[runway.Runway.Name] = inbound
                 print('Relevant inbounds: ' + str(len(relevantInbounds)))
                 # configure the ACO run

+ 2 - 3

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Inbound:
         self.ReportTime = datetime.strptime(report.reportTime + '+0000', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z').replace(tzinfo = pytz.UTC)
         self.InitialArrivalTime = None
         self.EarliestArrivalTime = None
-        self.EstimatedArrivalTime = None
+        self.PlannedArrivalTime = None
         self.EstimatedStarEntryTime = None
         self.PlannedRunway = None
         self.PlannedStar = None
@@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ class Inbound:
                 self.EstimatedStarEntryTime = self.ReportTime + self.ArrivalCandidates[candidate].FlightTimeUntilIaf
                 self.PlannedStar = self.ArrivalCandidates[candidate].Star
-        self.EstimatedArrivalTime = self.InitialArrivalTime
         if None != self.PlannedStar:
-            for runway in navData.Runways[self.Report.destination]:
+            for runway in navData.Runways[self.Report.destination.upper()]:
                 if runway.Name == self.PlannedStar.Runway:
                     self.PlannedRunway = runway