@@ -28,15 +28,16 @@ class ComThread(Thread):
# try to associate the received aircrafts to airports
- icao = []
+ icao = None
for inbound in report.reports:
icao = inbound.destination
# get the sequence of the airport
- airport = self.AMAN.findAirport(icao)
- if None != airport:
- self.Com.sendSequence('', airport.inboundSequence(), airport.WeatherModel)
+ if None != icao:
+ airport = self.AMAN.findAirport(icao)
+ if None != airport:
+ self.Com.sendSequence(icao, airport.inboundSequence(), airport.WeatherModel)
except zmq.ZMQError as error:
if zmq.EAGAIN == error.errno: