@@ -17,27 +17,13 @@ from aman.types.Inbound import Inbound
from aman.types.PerformanceData import PerformanceData
class Worker(Thread):
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self, icao : str, configuration : Airport, weather : Weather,
+ performance : PerformanceData, euroscope : Euroscope):
self.StopThread = None
- self.Icao = None
- self.Configuration = None
- self.PerformanceData = None
- self.UpdateLock = None
- self.ReportQueue = {}
- self.WeatherModel = None
- self.RecedingHorizonControl = None
- self.WebUi = None
- def __del__(self):
- self.release()
- def acquire(self, icao : str, configuration : Airport, weather : Weather,
- performance : PerformanceData, webui : WebUI, euroscope : Euroscope):
- self.StopThread = None
self.Icao = icao
self.Configuration = configuration
- self.sequencingConfiguration = configuration.DefaultSequencing
+ self.SequencingConfiguration = configuration.DefaultSequencing
self.PerformanceData = performance
self.UpdateLock = Lock()
self.ReportQueue = {}
@@ -68,16 +54,13 @@ class Worker(Thread):
+ self.setDaemon(True)
def acquireLock(self):
if None != self.UpdateLock:
- def release(self):
- self.StopThread = True
- self.join()
def releaseLock(self):
if None != self.UpdateLock:
@@ -107,7 +90,7 @@ class Worker(Thread):
if 0 != report.distanceToIAF and '' != report.initialApproachFix:
inbound = Inbound(report, self.PerformanceData)
- Node(inbound, inbound.ReportTime, self.WeatherModel, self.Configuration.GngData, self.sequencingConfiguration)
+ Node(inbound, inbound.ReportTime, self.WeatherModel, self.Configuration.GngData, self.SequencingConfiguration)
if None != inbound.InitialArrivalTime:
@@ -123,13 +106,13 @@ class Worker(Thread):
# get the last landing aircrafts per runway before the RHC stage to check for constraints
# this is required to handle the overlap between windows
preceedingInbounds = {}
- for runway in self.sequencingConfiguration.ActiveArrivalRunways:
+ for runway in self.SequencingConfiguration.ActiveArrivalRunways:
inbound = self.RecedingHorizonControl.lastFixedInboundOnRunway(runway.Runway.Name)
if None != inbound:
preceedingInbounds[runway.Runway.Name] = inbound
# configure the ACO run
- acoConfig = Configuration(constraints = self.sequencingConfiguration, nav = self.Configuration.GngData,
+ acoConfig = Configuration(constraints = self.SequencingConfiguration, nav = self.Configuration.GngData,
earliest = earliestArrivalTime, weather = self.WeatherModel,
preceeding = None if 0 == len(preceedingInbounds) else preceedingInbounds,
ants = 5 * len(relevantInbounds), generations = 5 * len(relevantInbounds))