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use the optimization thresholds to calculate the TTG

Sven Czarnian 3 роки тому

+ 3 - 4

@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class Worker(Thread):
                 if 0 != report.distanceToIAF and '' != report.initialApproachFix:
                     inbound = Inbound(report, self.PerformanceData)
-                    Node(inbound, inbound.ReportTime, self.WeatherModel, self.Configuration.GngData, self.SequencingConfiguration)
+                    Node(inbound, inbound.ReportTime, self.WeatherModel, self.Configuration, self.SequencingConfiguration)
                     if None != inbound.InitialArrivalTime:
@@ -109,11 +109,10 @@ class Worker(Thread):
                         preceedingInbounds[runway.Runway.Name] = Node(inbound, None, None, None, None)
                 # configure the ACO run
-                acoConfig = Configuration(constraints = self.SequencingConfiguration, nav = self.Configuration.GngData,
+                acoConfig = Configuration(constraints = self.SequencingConfiguration, config = self.Configuration,
                                           earliest = earliestArrivalTime, weather = self.WeatherModel,
                                           preceeding = None if 0 == len(preceedingInbounds) else preceedingInbounds,
-                                          ants = 5 * len(relevantInbounds), generations = 5 * len(relevantInbounds),
-                                          maxDelayMay=self.Configuration.MaxDelayMay)
+                                          ants = 5 * len(relevantInbounds), generations = 5 * len(relevantInbounds))
                 # perform the ACO run
                 aco = Colony(relevantInbounds, acoConfig)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Colony:
         # create the new planning instances
         currentTime = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time())).replace(tzinfo = pytz.UTC)
         for inbound in inbounds:
-            self.Nodes.append(Node(inbound, currentTime, self.Configuration.WeatherModel, self.Configuration.NavData, self.Configuration.RunwayConstraints))
+            self.Nodes.append(Node(inbound, currentTime, self.Configuration.WeatherModel, self.Configuration.AirportConfiguration, self.Configuration.RunwayConstraints))
         rwyManager = RunwayManager(self.Configuration)
         delay = Colony.calculateInitialCosts(rwyManager, self.Nodes, self.Configuration.EarliestArrivalTime)

+ 1 - 2

@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ class Configuration:
         self.PreceedingInbounds = kwargs.get('preceeding', None)
         self.EarliestArrivalTime = kwargs.get('earliest', None)
         self.WeatherModel = kwargs.get('weather', None)
-        self.NavData = kwargs.get('nav', None)
-        self.MaxDelayMay = kwargs.get('maxDelayMay', timedelta(minutes=10))
+        self.AirportConfiguration = kwargs.get('config', None)
         # the ACO specific information
         self.AntCount = kwargs.get('ants', 20)

+ 14 - 5

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import sys
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from aman.config.Airport import Airport
 from aman.config.AirportSequencing import AirportSequencing
 from aman.formats.SctEseFormat import SctEseFormat
 from aman.sys.WeatherModel import WeatherModel
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ class Node:
         return timedelta(seconds = flightTimeSeconds), trackmiles, arrivalRoute, timedelta(seconds = flightTimeOnStarSeconds)
     def __init__(self, inbound : Inbound, referenceTime : datetime, weatherModel : WeatherModel,
-                 navData : SctEseFormat, sequencingConfig : AirportSequencing):
+                 airportConfig : Airport, sequencingConfig : AirportSequencing):
         self.PredictedDistanceToIAF = inbound.Report.distanceToIAF
         self.PredictedCoordinate = [ inbound.CurrentPosition.latitude, inbound.CurrentPosition.longitude ]
         self.PredictionTime = referenceTime
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ class Node:
             prediction = tempWaypoint.project(course, distance)
             # calculate the bearing between the current position and the IAF
-            star = Node.findArrivalRoute(inbound.Report.initialApproachFix, sequencingConfig.ActiveArrivalRunways[0].Runway, navData)
+            star = Node.findArrivalRoute(inbound.Report.initialApproachFix, sequencingConfig.ActiveArrivalRunways[0].Runway, airportConfig.GngData)
             # calculate the distance based on the flown distance and update the predicted distance
             if None != star:
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ class Node:
         # calculate the timings for the different arrival runways
         for identifier in sequencingConfig.ActiveArrivalRunways:
-            star = Node.findArrivalRoute(self.Inbound.Report.initialApproachFix, identifier.Runway, navData)
+            star = Node.findArrivalRoute(self.Inbound.Report.initialApproachFix, identifier.Runway, airportConfig.GngData)
             if None != star:
                 flightTime, trackmiles, arrivalRoute, flightTimeOnStar = self.arrivalEstimation(identifier.Runway, star, weatherModel)
@@ -203,8 +204,16 @@ class Node:
                     timeUntilIAF = timedelta(seconds = 0)
                 # the best TTL is the longest path with the slowest speed
-                # TODO use configurations to define the maximum time gain
-                ttg = timedelta(seconds = timeUntilIAF.total_seconds() * 0.2)
+                ttgMax = 60
+                ttgRatio = 0.05
+                if star.Name in airportConfig.OptimizationParameters:
+                    ttgMax = airportConfig.OptimizationParameters[star.Name][0]
+                    ttgRatio = airportConfig.OptimizationParameters[star.Name][1]
+                ttg = timedelta(seconds = timeUntilIAF.total_seconds() * ttgRatio)
+                if (ttg.total_seconds() > ttgMax):
+                    ttg = timedelta(seconds = ttgMax)
+                print(self.Inbound.Callsign + ': ' + str(ttg))
                 ttl = timedelta(seconds = decreasedSpeedFlighttime - flightTime.total_seconds())
                 ita = self.Inbound.ReportTime + flightTime
                 earliest = ita - ttg

+ 2 - 2

@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ class RunwayManager:
             if RunwayAssignmentType.AircraftType in runway.MayAssignments:
                 if node.Inbound.Report.aircraft.type in runway.MayAssignments[RunwayAssignmentType.AircraftType]:
                     eta, _ = self.calculateEarliestArrivalTime(runway.Runway.Name, node, useETA, earliestArrivalTime)
-                    if (eta - reference) <= self.Configuration.MaxDelayMay:
+                    if (eta - reference) <= self.Configuration.AirportConfiguration.MaxDelayMay:
             if RunwayAssignmentType.GateAssignment in runway.MayAssignments:
                 if node.Inbound.Report.plannedGate in runway.MayAssignments[RunwayAssignmentType.GateAssignment]:
                     eta, _ = self.calculateEarliestArrivalTime(runway.Runway.Name, node, useETA, earliestArrivalTime)
-                    if (eta - reference) <= self.Configuration.MaxDelayMay:
+                    if (eta - reference) <= self.Configuration.AirportConfiguration.MaxDelayMay:
         runway = self.selectShallShouldMayArrivalRunway(node, shallRunways, useETA, earliestArrivalTime)