@@ -29,15 +29,7 @@ class Colony:
# assume that the inbounds are sorted in FCFS order
- # TODO remove this after testing and optimization
- tmp = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo = pytz.UTC) + timedelta(seconds = 50 * len(inbounds))
for inbound in inbounds:
- # TODO remove this after testing and optimization
- for runway in inbound.ArrivalCandidates:
- inbound.ArrivalCandidates[runway].InitialArrivalTime = tmp
- inbound.ArrivalCandidates[runway].EarliestArrivalTime = tmp - inbound.ArrivalCandidates[runway].MaximumTimeToGain
- inbound.ArrivalCandidates[runway].LatestArrivalTime = tmp + inbound.ArrivalCandidates[runway].MaximumTimeToLose
- tmp += timedelta(seconds = 20)
Colony.associateInbound(rwyManager, inbound, earliestArrivalTime, False)
overallDelay += inbound.PlannedArrivalTime - inbound.InitialArrivalTime
print(' ' + inbound.Callsign + ': ' + inbound.PlannedRunway.Name + ' @ ' + str(inbound.PlannedArrivalTime) +