@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from aman.config.RunwaySequencing import RunwaySequencing
+class AirportSequencing:
+ def __init__(self, icao : str):
+ self.ActiveArrivalRunways = []
+ self.RunwayDependencies = []
+ def clearData(self):
+ self.ActiveArrivalRunways.clear()
+ self.RunwayDependencies.clear()
+ def activateRunway(self, runway : RunwaySequencing):
+ for active in self.ActiveArrivalRunways:
+ if active.Runway.name == runway.Runway.name:
+ self.ActiveArrivalRunways[runway.Runway.name] = runway
+ return
+ self.ActiveArrivalRunways.append(runway)
+ def runwayIndex(self, identifier : str):
+ for i in range(0, len(self.ActiveArrivalRunways)):
+ if self.ActiveArrivalRunways[i].Runway.name == identifier:
+ return i
+ return -1
+ def deactivateRunway(self, identifier : str):
+ index = self.runwayIndex(identifier)
+ if 0 <= index:
+ self.ActiveArrivalRunways.pop(index)
+ # remove the dependencies
+ for i in range(self.RunwayDependencies - 1, -1, -1):
+ if index == self.RunwayDependencies[i][0] or index == self.RunwayDependencies[i][1]:
+ self.RunwayDependencies.pop(i)
+ def addDependency(self, first : str, second : str):
+ idxFirst = self.runwayIndex(first)
+ idxSecond = self.runwayIndex(second)
+ if 0 > idxFirst or 0 > idxSecond:
+ return
+ foundFirst = False
+ foundSecond = False
+ for dependency in self.RunwayDependencies:
+ if idxFirst == dependency[0] and idxSecond == dependency[1]:
+ foundFirst = True
+ elif idxFirst == dependency[1] and idxSecond == dependency[0]:
+ foundSecond = True
+ if False == foundFirst:
+ self.RunwayDependencies.append([ idxFirst, idxSecond ])
+ if False == foundSecond:
+ self.RunwayDependencies.append([ idxSecond, idxFirst ])
+ def removeDependency(self, first : str, second : str):
+ idxFirst = self.runwayIndex(first)
+ idxSecond = self.runwayIndex(second)
+ if 0 > idxFirst or 0 > idxSecond:
+ return
+ for i in range(self.RunwayDependencies - 1, -1, -1):
+ dependency = self.RunwayDependencies[i]
+ # check for all the pairs
+ if idxFirst == dependency[0] and idxSecond == dependency[1]:
+ self.RunwayDependencies.pop(i)
+ elif idxSecond == dependency[0] and idxSecond == dependency[0]:
+ self.RunwayDependencies.pop(i)
+ def findRunway(self, identifier : str):
+ for runway in self.ActiveArrivalRunways:
+ if runway.Runway.name == identifier:
+ return runway
+ return None
+ def findDependentRunway(self, identifier : str):
+ # runway is unknown
+ index = self.runwayIndex(identifier)
+ if 0 > index:
+ return None
+ # search the dependency pair
+ for dependency in self.RunwayDependencies:
+ if index == dependency[0]:
+ return self.ActiveArrivalRunways[dependency[1]]
+ # no dependencies found
+ return None