@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ class Worker(Thread):
# search the ACO relevant aircrafts
relevantInbounds, earliestArrivalTime = self.RecedingHorizonControl.optimizationRelevantInbounds()
if None != relevantInbounds:
+ start = time.process_time()
# get the last landing aircrafts per runway before the RHC stage to check for constraints
# this is required to handle the overlap between windows
preceedingInbounds = {}
@@ -113,8 +115,6 @@ class Worker(Thread):
if None != inbound:
preceedingInbounds[runway.Runway.Name] = inbound
- print('Relevant inbounds: ' + str(len(relevantInbounds)))
# configure the ACO run
acoConfig = Configuration(earliestArrivalTime, self.sequencingConfiguration, 5 * len(relevantInbounds), 5 * len(relevantInbounds))
if 0 != len(preceedingInbounds):
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ class Worker(Thread):
' dt=' + str((inbound.PlannedArrivalTime - inbound.InitialArrivalTime).total_seconds()))
print('Delays: FCFS=' + str(aco.FcfsDelay.total_seconds()) + ', ACO=' + str(aco.ResultDelay.total_seconds()))
+ # measure the exuction time of the overall optimization process
+ print('Execution time: ' + str(time.process_time() - start) + ' seconds')
print('No relevant inbounds found for the optimization in ' + self.Icao)