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-# aman-es
+# Arrival MANanager (AMAN)
+## System description
+AMAN is splitted up into four different components.
+* aman-com defines the diffent message types
+* aman-es implements an EuroScope plugin to communicate with [aman-sys](https://git.vatsim-germany.org/nav/aman-sys)
+* aman-sys implements the backend system to plan an optimal arrival sequence for the different airports
+* aman-web implements a web-interface to configure [aman-sys](https://git.vatsim-germany.org/nav/aman-sys) and visualize sequences
+## Component description
+AMAN uses [Protocol Buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers)
+for the message serialization and message definition between the EuroScope instance and the AMAN backend.
+Additionally is [ZeroMQ](https://zeromq.org/) used for the communication abstraction layer.
+This component extracts all relevant information out of the VATSIM network and sends the information to the server.
+Additionally is a unique identifier used to verify connections to the backend.
+According to data protection is the ZeroMQ-based network encryption used.
+Every controller needs his own unique identifier.
+# Additional libraries
+* [ZeroMQ](https://github.com/zeromq) - GNU GPLv3
+* [Protocol Buffers](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf) - BSD-3
+# License
+AMAN is released under the [GNU General Public License v3](LICENSE)