BaseTypes.proto 1.1 KB

  1. syntax = "proto3";
  2. package aman;
  3. message Coordinate {
  4. double latitude = 1; // WGS84 latitude in degrees
  5. double longitude = 2; // WGS84 longitude in degrees
  6. }
  7. message WindData {
  8. int32 altitude = 1; // The altitude of the wind data
  9. int32 direction = 2; // The wind direction
  10. int32 speed = 3; // The wind speed
  11. }
  12. message Waypoint {
  13. string name = 1; // The waypoint's name
  14. string pta = 2; // The planned time of arrival (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
  15. int32 altitude = 3; // The target altitude
  16. int32 indicatedAirspeed = 4; // The target indicated airspeed
  17. int32 groundSpeed = 5; // The target ground speed
  18. }
  19. message PerformanceData {
  20. int32 iasAboveFL240 = 1; // The speed above FL240
  21. int32 iasAboveFL100 = 2; // The speed above FL100
  22. int32 iasBelowFL100 = 3; // The speed below FL100
  23. int32 iasApproach = 4; // The minimum approach speed
  24. }
  25. message Dynamics {
  26. int32 groundSpeed = 1; // given in knots
  27. int32 heading = 2; // reported heading
  28. int32 altitude = 3; // given in feet
  29. int32 verticalSpeed = 4; // given in feet/min
  30. }