123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498 |
- <?php // vi: set fenc=utf-8 ts=4 sw=4 et:
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Nicolas Grekas - p@tchwork.com
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the (at your option):
- * Apache License v2.0 (http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt), or
- * GNU General Public License v2.0 (http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt).
- */
- namespace Patchwork;
- use Normalizer as n;
- /**
- * UTF-8 Grapheme Cluster aware string manipulations implementing the quasi complete
- * set of native PHP string functions that need UTF-8 awareness and more.
- * Missing are printf-family functions.
- */
- class Utf8
- {
- protected static
- $commonCaseFold = array(
- array('µ','ſ',"\xCD\x85",'ς',"\xCF\x90","\xCF\x91","\xCF\x95","\xCF\x96","\xCF\xB0","\xCF\xB1","\xCF\xB5","\xE1\xBA\x9B","\xE1\xBE\xBE"),
- array('μ','s','ι', 'σ','β', 'θ', 'φ', 'π', 'κ', 'ρ', 'ε', "\xE1\xB9\xA1",'ι' )
- ),
- $cp1252 = array('','','','','
- $utf8 = array('€','‚','ƒ','„','…','†','‡','ˆ','‰','Š','‹','Œ','Ž','‘','’','“','”','•','–','—','˜','™','š','›','œ','ž','Ÿ');
- static function isUtf8($s)
- {
- return (bool) preg_match('//u', $s); // Since PHP 5.2.5, this also excludes invalid five and six bytes sequences
- }
- // Generic UTF-8 to ASCII transliteration
- static function toAscii($s)
- {
- if (preg_match("/[\x80-\xFF]/", $s))
- {
- static $translitExtra = false;
- $translitExtra or $translitExtra = self::getData('translit_extra');
- $s = n::normalize($s, n::NFKD);
- $s = preg_replace('/\p{Mn}+/u', '', $s);
- $s = str_replace($translitExtra[0], $translitExtra[1], $s);
- $s = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII' . ('glibc' !== ICONV_IMPL ? '//IGNORE' : '') . '//TRANSLIT', $s);
- }
- return $s;
- }
- // Unicode transformation for caseless matching
- // see http://unicode.org/reports/tr21/tr21-5.html
- static function strtocasefold($s, $full = true, $turkish = false)
- {
- $s = str_replace(self::$commonCaseFold[0], self::$commonCaseFold[1], $s);
- if ($turkish)
- {
- false !== strpos($s, 'I') && $s = str_replace('I', 'ı', $s);
- $full && false !== strpos($s, 'İ') && $s = str_replace('İ', 'i', $s);
- }
- if ($full)
- {
- static $fullCaseFold = false;
- $fullCaseFold || $fullCaseFold = self::getData('caseFolding_full');
- $s = str_replace($fullCaseFold[0], $fullCaseFold[1], $s);
- }
- return self::strtolower($s);
- }
- // Generic case sensitive collation support for self::strnatcmp()
- static function strtonatfold($s)
- {
- $s = n::normalize($s, n::NFD);
- return preg_replace('/\p{Mn}+/u', '', $s);
- }
- // PHP string functions that need UTF-8 awareness
- static function substr($s, $start, $len = 2147483647)
- {
- /**/ static $bug62759;
- /**/ isset($bug62759) or $bug62759 = extension_loaded('intl') && 'à' === grapheme_substr('éà', 1, -2);
- /**/ if ($bug62759)
- /**/ {
- return PHP\Shim\Intl::grapheme_substr_workaround62759($s, $start, $len);
- /**/ }
- /**/ else
- /**/ {
- return grapheme_substr($s, $start, $len);
- /**/ }
- }
- static function strlen($s) {return grapheme_strlen($s);}
- static function strpos ($s, $needle, $offset = 0) {return grapheme_strpos ($s, $needle, $offset);}
- static function strrpos($s, $needle, $offset = 0) {return grapheme_strrpos($s, $needle, $offset);}
- static function stripos($s, $needle, $offset = 0)
- {
- /**/ if (50418 > PHP_VERSION_ID || 50500 == PHP_VERSION_ID)
- /**/ {
- // Don't use grapheme_stripos because of https://bugs.php.net/61860
- if ($offset < 0) $offset = 0;
- if (!$needle = mb_stripos($s, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8')) return $needle;
- return grapheme_strlen(iconv_substr($s, 0, $needle, 'UTF-8'));
- /**/ }
- /**/ else
- /**/ {
- return grapheme_stripos($s, $needle, $offset);
- /**/ }
- }
- static function strripos($s, $needle, $offset = 0)
- {
- /**/ if (50418 > PHP_VERSION_ID || 50500 == PHP_VERSION_ID)
- /**/ {
- // Don't use grapheme_strripos because of https://bugs.php.net/61860
- if ($offset < 0) $offset = 0;
- if (!$needle = mb_strripos($s, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8')) return $needle;
- return grapheme_strlen(iconv_substr($s, 0, $needle, 'UTF-8'));
- /**/ }
- /**/ else
- /**/ {
- return grapheme_strripos($s, $needle, $offset);
- /**/ }
- }
- static function stristr($s, $needle, $before_needle = false)
- {
- if ('' === (string) $needle) return false;
- return mb_stristr($s, $needle, $before_needle, 'UTF-8');
- }
- static function strstr ($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) {return grapheme_strstr($s, $needle, $before_needle);}
- static function strrchr ($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) {return mb_strrchr ($s, $needle, $before_needle, 'UTF-8');}
- static function strrichr($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) {return mb_strrichr($s, $needle, $before_needle, 'UTF-8');}
- static function strtolower($s, $form = n::NFC) {if (n::isNormalized($s = mb_strtolower($s, 'UTF-8'), $form)) return $s; return n::normalize($s, $form);}
- static function strtoupper($s, $form = n::NFC) {if (n::isNormalized($s = mb_strtoupper($s, 'UTF-8'), $form)) return $s; return n::normalize($s, $form);}
- static function wordwrap($s, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false)
- {
- // This implementation could be extended to handle unicode word boundaries,
- // but that's enough work for today (see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/)
- $width = (int) $width;
- $s = explode($break, $s);
- $iLen = count($s);
- $result = array();
- $line = '';
- $lineLen = 0;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $iLen; ++$i)
- {
- $words = explode(' ', $s[$i]);
- $line && $result[] = $line;
- $lineLen = grapheme_strlen($line);
- $jLen = count($words);
- for ($j = 0; $j < $jLen; ++$j)
- {
- $w = $words[$j];
- $wLen = grapheme_strlen($w);
- if ($lineLen + $wLen < $width)
- {
- if ($j) $line .= ' ';
- $line .= $w;
- $lineLen += $wLen + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if ($j || $i) $result[] = $line;
- $line = '';
- $lineLen = 0;
- if ($cut && $wLen > $width)
- {
- $w = self::str_split($w);
- do
- {
- $result[] = implode('', array_slice($w, 0, $width));
- $line = implode('', $w = array_slice($w, $width));
- $lineLen = $wLen -= $width;
- }
- while ($wLen > $width);
- $w = implode('', $w);
- }
- $line = $w;
- $lineLen = $wLen;
- }
- }
- }
- $line && $result[] = $line;
- return implode($break, $result);
- }
- static function chr($c)
- {
- if (0x80 > $c %= 0x200000) return chr($c);
- if (0x800 > $c) return chr(0xC0 | $c>>6) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F);
- if (0x10000 > $c) return chr(0xE0 | $c>>12) . chr(0x80 | $c>>6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F);
- return chr(0xF0 | $c>>18) . chr(0x80 | $c>>12 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c>>6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F);
- }
- static function count_chars($s, $mode = 0)
- {
- if (1 != $mode) user_error(__METHOD__ . '(): the only allowed $mode is 1', E_USER_WARNING);
- $s = self::str_split($s);
- return array_count_values($s);
- }
- static function ltrim($s, $charlist = INF)
- {
- $charlist = INF === $charlist ? '\s' : self::rxClass($charlist);
- return preg_replace("/^{$charlist}+/u", '', $s);
- }
- static function ord($s)
- {
- $a = ($s = unpack('C*', substr($s, 0, 4))) ? $s[1] : 0;
- if (0xF0 <= $a) return (($a - 0xF0)<<18) + (($s[2] - 0x80)<<12) + (($s[3] - 0x80)<<6) + $s[4] - 0x80;
- if (0xE0 <= $a) return (($a - 0xE0)<<12) + (($s[2] - 0x80)<<6) + $s[3] - 0x80;
- if (0xC0 <= $a) return (($a - 0xC0)<<6) + $s[2] - 0x80;
- return $a;
- }
- static function rtrim($s, $charlist = INF)
- {
- $charlist = INF === $charlist ? '\s' : self::rxClass($charlist);
- return preg_replace("/{$charlist}+$/u", '', $s);
- }
- static function trim($s, $charlist = INF) {return self::rtrim(self::ltrim($s, $charlist), $charlist);}
- static function str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = null)
- {
- $search = (array) $search;
- foreach ($search as &$s) $s = '' !== (string) $s ? '/' . preg_quote($s, '/') . '/ui' : '/^(?<=.)$/';
- $subject = preg_replace($search, $replace, $subject, -1, $replace);
- $count = $replace;
- return $subject;
- }
- static function str_pad($s, $len, $pad = ' ', $type = STR_PAD_RIGHT)
- {
- $slen = grapheme_strlen($s);
- if ($len <= $slen) return $s;
- $padlen = grapheme_strlen($pad);
- $freelen = $len - $slen;
- $len = $freelen % $padlen;
- if (STR_PAD_RIGHT == $type) return $s . str_repeat($pad, $freelen / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : '');
- if (STR_PAD_LEFT == $type) return str_repeat($pad, $freelen / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : '') . $s;
- if (STR_PAD_BOTH == $type)
- {
- $freelen /= 2;
- $type = ceil($freelen);
- $len = $type % $padlen;
- $s .= str_repeat($pad, $type / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : '');
- $type = floor($freelen);
- $len = $type % $padlen;
- return str_repeat($pad, $type / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : '') . $s;
- }
- user_error(__METHOD__ . '(): Padding type has to be STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, or STR_PAD_BOTH', E_USER_WARNING);
- }
- static function str_shuffle($s)
- {
- $s = self::str_split($s);
- shuffle($s);
- return implode('', $s);
- }
- static function str_split($s, $len = 1)
- {
- if (1 > $len = (int) $len)
- {
- $len = func_get_arg(1);
- return str_split($s, $len);
- }
- /**/ if (extension_loaded('intl'))
- /**/ {
- $a = array();
- $p = 0;
- $l = strlen($s);
- while ($p < $l) $a[] = grapheme_extract($s, 1, GRAPHEME_EXTR_COUNT, $p, $p);
- /**/ }
- /**/ else
- /**/ {
- preg_match_all('/' . GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX . '/u', $s, $a);
- $a = $a[0];
- /**/ }
- if (1 == $len) return $a;
- $s = array();
- $p = -1;
- foreach ($a as $l => $a)
- {
- if ($l % $len) $s[$p] .= $a;
- else $s[++$p] = $a;
- }
- return $s;
- }
- static function str_word_count($s, $format = 0, $charlist = '')
- {
- $charlist = self::rxClass($charlist, '\pL');
- $s = preg_split("/({$charlist}+(?:[\p{Pd}’']{$charlist}+)*)/u", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
- $charlist = array();
- $len = count($s);
- if (1 == $format) for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i+=2) $charlist[] = $s[$i];
- else if (2 == $format)
- {
- $offset = grapheme_strlen($s[0]);
- for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i+=2)
- {
- $charlist[$offset] = $s[$i];
- $offset += grapheme_strlen($s[$i]) + grapheme_strlen($s[$i+1]);
- }
- }
- else $charlist = ($len - 1) / 2;
- return $charlist;
- }
- static function strcmp ($a, $b) {return (string) $a === (string) $b ? 0 : strcmp(n::normalize($a, n::NFD), n::normalize($b, n::NFD));}
- static function strnatcmp ($a, $b) {return (string) $a === (string) $b ? 0 : strnatcmp(self::strtonatfold($a), self::strtonatfold($b));}
- static function strcasecmp ($a, $b) {return self::strcmp (self::strtocasefold($a), self::strtocasefold($b));}
- static function strnatcasecmp($a, $b) {return self::strnatcmp(self::strtocasefold($a), self::strtocasefold($b));}
- static function strncasecmp ($a, $b, $len) {return self::strncmp(self::strtocasefold($a), self::strtocasefold($b), $len);}
- static function strncmp ($a, $b, $len) {return self::strcmp(self::substr($a, 0, $len), self::substr($b, 0, $len));}
- static function strcspn($s, $charlist, $start = 0, $len = 2147483647)
- {
- if ('' === (string) $charlist) return null;
- if ($start || 2147483647 != $len) $s = self::substr($s, $start, $len);
- return preg_match('/^(.*?)' . self::rxClass($charlist) . '/us', $s, $len) ? grapheme_strlen($len[1]) : grapheme_strlen($s);
- }
- static function strpbrk($s, $charlist)
- {
- if (preg_match('/' . self::rxClass($charlist) . '/us', $s, $m)) return substr($s, strpos($s, $m[0]));
- else return false;
- }
- static function strrev($s)
- {
- $s = self::str_split($s);
- return implode('', array_reverse($s));
- }
- static function strspn($s, $mask, $start = 0, $len = 2147483647)
- {
- if ($start || 2147483647 != $len) $s = self::substr($s, $start, $len);
- return preg_match('/^' . self::rxClass($mask) . '+/u', $s, $s) ? grapheme_strlen($s[0]) : 0;
- }
- static function strtr($s, $from, $to = INF)
- {
- if (INF !== $to)
- {
- $from = self::str_split($from);
- $to = self::str_split($to);
- $a = count($from);
- $b = count($to);
- if ($a > $b) $from = array_slice($from, 0, $b);
- else if ($a < $b) $to = array_slice($to , 0, $a);
- $from = array_combine($from, $to);
- }
- return strtr($s, $from);
- }
- static function substr_compare($a, $b, $offset, $len = 2147483647, $i = 0)
- {
- $a = self::substr($a, $offset, $len);
- return $i ? self::strcasecmp($a, $b) : self::strcmp($a, $b);
- }
- static function substr_count($s, $needle, $offset = 0, $len = 2147483647)
- {
- return substr_count(self::substr($s, $offset, $len), $needle);
- }
- static function substr_replace($s, $replace, $start, $len = 2147483647)
- {
- $s = self::str_split($s);
- $replace = self::str_split($replace);
- array_splice($s, $start, $len, $replace);
- return implode('', $s);
- }
- static function ucfirst($s)
- {
- $c = iconv_substr($s, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
- return self::ucwords($c) . substr($s, strlen($c));
- }
- static function lcfirst($s)
- {
- $c = iconv_substr($s, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
- return mb_strtolower($c, 'UTF-8') . substr($s, strlen($c));
- }
- static function ucwords($s)
- {
- return mb_convert_case($s, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8');
- }
- static function number_format($number, $decimals = 0, $dec_point = '.', $thousands_sep = ',')
- {
- /**/ if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400)
- /**/ {
- if (isset($thousands_sep[1]) || isset($dec_point[1]))
- {
- return str_replace(
- array('.', ','),
- array($dec_point, $thousands_sep),
- number_format($number, $decimals, '.', ',')
- );
- }
- /**/ }
- return number_format($number, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep);
- }
- static function utf8_encode($s)
- {
- $s = utf8_encode($s);
- if (false === strpos($s, "\xC2")) return $s;
- else return str_replace(self::$cp1252, self::$utf8, $s);
- }
- static function utf8_decode($s)
- {
- $s = str_replace(self::$utf8, self::$cp1252, $s);
- return utf8_decode($s);
- }
- protected static function rxClass($s, $class = '')
- {
- $class = array($class);
- foreach (self::str_split($s) as $s)
- {
- if ('-' === $s) $class[0] = '-' . $class[0];
- else if (!isset($s[2])) $class[0] .= preg_quote($s, '/');
- else if (1 === iconv_strlen($s, 'UTF-8')) $class[0] .= $s;
- else $class[] = $s;
- }
- $class[0] = '[' . $class[0] . ']';
- if (1 === count($class)) return $class[0];
- else return '(?:' . implode('|', $class) . ')';
- }
- protected static function getData($file)
- {
- $file = __DIR__ . '/Utf8/data/' . $file . '.ser';
- if (file_exists($file)) return unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
- else return false;
- }
- }