Version 0.9.5-dev ----------------- Nothing yet. Version 0.9.4 (25.08.2013) -------------------------- * [PHP 5.5] Add support for `ClassName::class`. This is parsed as an `Expr_ClassConstFetch` with `'class'` being the constant name. * Syntax errors now include information on expected tokens and mimic the format of PHP's own (pre 5.4) error messages. Example: Old: Unexpected token T_STATIC on line 1 New: Syntax error, unexpected T_STATIC, expecting T_STRING or T_NS_SEPARATOR or '{' * `PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Zend` was renamed to `PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default` as the default pretty printer only very loosely applies the Zend Coding Standard. The class `PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Zend` extends `PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default` to maintain backwards compatibility. * The pretty printer now prints namespaces in semicolon-style if possible (i.e. if the file does not contain a global namespace declaration). * Added `prettyPrintFile(array $stmts)` method which will pretty print a file of statements including the opening `` at the start and end of files using inline HTML. * There now is a builder for interfaces (`PHPParser_Builder_Interface`). * An interface for the node traversation has been added: `PHPParser_NodeTraverserInterface` * Fix pretty printing of `include` expressions (precedence information was missing). * Fix "undefined index" notices when generating the expected tokens for a syntax error. * Improve performance of `PrettyPrinter` construction by no longer using the `uniqid()` function. Version 0.9.3 (22.11.2012) -------------------------- * [BC] As `list()` in `foreach` is now supported the structure of list assignments changed: 1. There is no longer a dedicated `AssignList` node; instead a normal `Assign` node is used with a `List` as `var`. 2. Nested lists are now `List` nodes too, instead of just arrays. * [BC] As arbitrary expressions are allowed in `empty()` now its subnode was renamed from `var` to `expr`. * [BC] The protected `pSafe()` method in `PrettyPrinterAbstract` was renamed to `pNoIndent()`. * [PHP 5.5] Add support for arbitrary expressions in `empty()`. * [PHP 5.5] Add support for constant array / string dereferencing. Examples: `"foo"[2]`, `[1, 2, 3][2]` * [PHP 5.5] Add support for `yield` expressions. This adds a new `Yield` expression type, with subnodes `key` and `value`. * [PHP 5.5] Add support for `finally`. This adds a new `finallyStmts` subnode to the `TryCatch` node. If there is no finally clause it will be `null`. * [PHP 5.5] Add support for `list()` destructuring of `foreach` values. Example: `foreach ($coords as list($x, $y)) { ... }` * Improve pretty printing of expressions by printing less unnecessary parentheses. In particular concatenations are now printed as `$a . $b . $c . $d . $e` rather than `$a . ($b . ($c . ($d . $e)))`. This is implemented by taking operator associativity into account. New protected methods added to the pretty printer are `pPrec()`, `pInfixOp()`, `pPrefixOp()` and `pPostfixOp()`. This also fixes an issue with extraneous parentheses in closure bodies. * Fix formatting of fall-through `case` statements in the Zend pretty printer. * Fix parsing of `$foo =& new Bar`. It is now properly parsed as `AssignRef` (instead of `Assign`). * Fix assignment of `$endAttributes`. Sometimes the attributes of the token right after the node were assigned, rather than the attributes of the last token in the node. * `rebuildParser.php` is now designed to be run from the command line rather than from the browser. Version 0.9.2 (07.07.2012) -------------------------- * Add `Class->getMethods()` function, which returns all methods contained in the `stmts` array of the class node. This does not take inherited methods into account. * Add `isPublic()`, `isProtected()`, `isPrivate()`. `isAbstract()`, `isFinal()` and `isStatic()` accessors to the `ClassMethod`, `Property` and `Class` nodes. (`Property` and `Class` obviously only have the accessors relevant to them.) * Fix parsing of new expressions in parentheses, e.g. `return(new Foo);`. * [BC] Due to the below changes nodes now optionally accept an `$attributes` array as the last parameter, instead of the previously used `$line` and `$docComment` parameters. * Add mechanism for adding attributes to nodes in the lexer. The following attributes are now added by default: * `startLine`: The line the node started in. * `endLine`: The line the node ended in. * `comments`: An array of comments. The comments are instances of `PHPParser_Comment` (or `PHPParser_Comment_Doc` for doc comments). The methods `getLine()` and `setLine()` still exist and function as before, but internally operator on the `startLine` attribute. `getDocComment()` also continues to exist. It returns the last comment in the `comments` attribute if it is a doc comment, otherwise `null`. As `getDocComment()` now returns a comment object (which can be modified using `->setText()`) the `setDocComment()` method was removed. Comment objects implement a `__toString()` method, so `getDocComment()` should continue to work properly with old code. * [BC] Use inject-once approach for lexer: Now the lexer is injected only once when creating the parser. Instead of $parser = new PHPParser_Parser; $parser->parse(new PHPParser_Lexer($code)); $parser->parse(new PHPParser_Lexer($code2)); you write: $parser = new PHPParser_Parser(new PHPParser_Lexer); $parser->parse($code); $parser->parse($code2); * Fix `NameResolver` visitor to also resolve class names in `catch` blocks. Version 0.9.1 (24.04.2012) -------------------------- * Add ability to add attributes to nodes: It is now possible to add attributes to a node using `$node->setAttribute('name', 'value')` and to retrieve them using `$node->getAttribute('name' [, 'default'])`. Additionally the existance of an attribute can be checked with `$node->hasAttribute('name')` and all attributes can be returned using `$node->getAttributes()`. * Add code generation features: Builders and templates. For more infos, see the [code generation documentation][1]. * [BC] Don't traverse nodes merged by another visitor: If a NodeVisitor returns an array of nodes to merge, these will no longer be traversed by all other visitors. This behavior only caused problems. * Fix line numbers for some list structures. * Fix XML unserialization of empty nodes. * Fix parsing of integers that overflow into floats. * Fix emulation of NOWDOC and binary floats. Version 0.9.0 (05.01.2012) -------------------------- First version. [1]: