PHP_VERSION_ID || 50500 == PHP_VERSION_ID) /**/ { // Don't use grapheme_stripos because of if ($offset < 0) $offset = 0; if (!$needle = mb_stripos($s, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8')) return $needle; return grapheme_strlen(iconv_substr($s, 0, $needle, 'UTF-8')); /**/ } /**/ else /**/ { return grapheme_stripos($s, $needle, $offset); /**/ } } static function strripos($s, $needle, $offset = 0) { /**/ if (50418 > PHP_VERSION_ID || 50500 == PHP_VERSION_ID) /**/ { // Don't use grapheme_strripos because of if ($offset < 0) $offset = 0; if (!$needle = mb_strripos($s, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8')) return $needle; return grapheme_strlen(iconv_substr($s, 0, $needle, 'UTF-8')); /**/ } /**/ else /**/ { return grapheme_strripos($s, $needle, $offset); /**/ } } static function stristr($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) { if ('' === (string) $needle) return false; return mb_stristr($s, $needle, $before_needle, 'UTF-8'); } static function strstr ($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) {return grapheme_strstr($s, $needle, $before_needle);} static function strrchr ($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) {return mb_strrchr ($s, $needle, $before_needle, 'UTF-8');} static function strrichr($s, $needle, $before_needle = false) {return mb_strrichr($s, $needle, $before_needle, 'UTF-8');} static function strtolower($s, $form = n::NFC) {if (n::isNormalized($s = mb_strtolower($s, 'UTF-8'), $form)) return $s; return n::normalize($s, $form);} static function strtoupper($s, $form = n::NFC) {if (n::isNormalized($s = mb_strtoupper($s, 'UTF-8'), $form)) return $s; return n::normalize($s, $form);} static function wordwrap($s, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) { // This implementation could be extended to handle unicode word boundaries, // but that's enough work for today (see $width = (int) $width; $s = explode($break, $s); $iLen = count($s); $result = array(); $line = ''; $lineLen = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $iLen; ++$i) { $words = explode(' ', $s[$i]); $line && $result[] = $line; $lineLen = grapheme_strlen($line); $jLen = count($words); for ($j = 0; $j < $jLen; ++$j) { $w = $words[$j]; $wLen = grapheme_strlen($w); if ($lineLen + $wLen < $width) { if ($j) $line .= ' '; $line .= $w; $lineLen += $wLen + 1; } else { if ($j || $i) $result[] = $line; $line = ''; $lineLen = 0; if ($cut && $wLen > $width) { $w = self::str_split($w); do { $result[] = implode('', array_slice($w, 0, $width)); $line = implode('', $w = array_slice($w, $width)); $lineLen = $wLen -= $width; } while ($wLen > $width); $w = implode('', $w); } $line = $w; $lineLen = $wLen; } } } $line && $result[] = $line; return implode($break, $result); } static function chr($c) { if (0x80 > $c %= 0x200000) return chr($c); if (0x800 > $c) return chr(0xC0 | $c>>6) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); if (0x10000 > $c) return chr(0xE0 | $c>>12) . chr(0x80 | $c>>6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); return chr(0xF0 | $c>>18) . chr(0x80 | $c>>12 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c>>6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } static function count_chars($s, $mode = 0) { if (1 != $mode) user_error(__METHOD__ . '(): the only allowed $mode is 1', E_USER_WARNING); $s = self::str_split($s); return array_count_values($s); } static function ltrim($s, $charlist = INF) { $charlist = INF === $charlist ? '\s' : self::rxClass($charlist); return preg_replace("/^{$charlist}+/u", '', $s); } static function ord($s) { $a = ($s = unpack('C*', substr($s, 0, 4))) ? $s[1] : 0; if (0xF0 <= $a) return (($a - 0xF0)<<18) + (($s[2] - 0x80)<<12) + (($s[3] - 0x80)<<6) + $s[4] - 0x80; if (0xE0 <= $a) return (($a - 0xE0)<<12) + (($s[2] - 0x80)<<6) + $s[3] - 0x80; if (0xC0 <= $a) return (($a - 0xC0)<<6) + $s[2] - 0x80; return $a; } static function rtrim($s, $charlist = INF) { $charlist = INF === $charlist ? '\s' : self::rxClass($charlist); return preg_replace("/{$charlist}+$/u", '', $s); } static function trim($s, $charlist = INF) {return self::rtrim(self::ltrim($s, $charlist), $charlist);} static function str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = null) { $search = (array) $search; foreach ($search as &$s) $s = '' !== (string) $s ? '/' . preg_quote($s, '/') . '/ui' : '/^(?<=.)$/'; $subject = preg_replace($search, $replace, $subject, -1, $replace); $count = $replace; return $subject; } static function str_pad($s, $len, $pad = ' ', $type = STR_PAD_RIGHT) { $slen = grapheme_strlen($s); if ($len <= $slen) return $s; $padlen = grapheme_strlen($pad); $freelen = $len - $slen; $len = $freelen % $padlen; if (STR_PAD_RIGHT == $type) return $s . str_repeat($pad, $freelen / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : ''); if (STR_PAD_LEFT == $type) return str_repeat($pad, $freelen / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : '') . $s; if (STR_PAD_BOTH == $type) { $freelen /= 2; $type = ceil($freelen); $len = $type % $padlen; $s .= str_repeat($pad, $type / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : ''); $type = floor($freelen); $len = $type % $padlen; return str_repeat($pad, $type / $padlen) . ($len ? grapheme_substr($pad, 0, $len) : '') . $s; } user_error(__METHOD__ . '(): Padding type has to be STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, or STR_PAD_BOTH', E_USER_WARNING); } static function str_shuffle($s) { $s = self::str_split($s); shuffle($s); return implode('', $s); } static function str_split($s, $len = 1) { if (1 > $len = (int) $len) { $len = func_get_arg(1); return str_split($s, $len); } /**/ if (extension_loaded('intl')) /**/ { $a = array(); $p = 0; $l = strlen($s); while ($p < $l) $a[] = grapheme_extract($s, 1, GRAPHEME_EXTR_COUNT, $p, $p); /**/ } /**/ else /**/ { preg_match_all('/' . GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX . '/u', $s, $a); $a = $a[0]; /**/ } if (1 == $len) return $a; $s = array(); $p = -1; foreach ($a as $l => $a) { if ($l % $len) $s[$p] .= $a; else $s[++$p] = $a; } return $s; } static function str_word_count($s, $format = 0, $charlist = '') { $charlist = self::rxClass($charlist, '\pL'); $s = preg_split("/({$charlist}+(?:[\p{Pd}’']{$charlist}+)*)/u", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $charlist = array(); $len = count($s); if (1 == $format) for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i+=2) $charlist[] = $s[$i]; else if (2 == $format) { $offset = grapheme_strlen($s[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i+=2) { $charlist[$offset] = $s[$i]; $offset += grapheme_strlen($s[$i]) + grapheme_strlen($s[$i+1]); } } else $charlist = ($len - 1) / 2; return $charlist; } static function strcmp ($a, $b) {return (string) $a === (string) $b ? 0 : strcmp(n::normalize($a, n::NFD), n::normalize($b, n::NFD));} static function strnatcmp ($a, $b) {return (string) $a === (string) $b ? 0 : strnatcmp(self::strtonatfold($a), self::strtonatfold($b));} static function strcasecmp ($a, $b) {return self::strcmp (self::strtocasefold($a), self::strtocasefold($b));} static function strnatcasecmp($a, $b) {return self::strnatcmp(self::strtocasefold($a), self::strtocasefold($b));} static function strncasecmp ($a, $b, $len) {return self::strncmp(self::strtocasefold($a), self::strtocasefold($b), $len);} static function strncmp ($a, $b, $len) {return self::strcmp(self::substr($a, 0, $len), self::substr($b, 0, $len));} static function strcspn($s, $charlist, $start = 0, $len = 2147483647) { if ('' === (string) $charlist) return null; if ($start || 2147483647 != $len) $s = self::substr($s, $start, $len); return preg_match('/^(.*?)' . self::rxClass($charlist) . '/us', $s, $len) ? grapheme_strlen($len[1]) : grapheme_strlen($s); } static function strpbrk($s, $charlist) { if (preg_match('/' . self::rxClass($charlist) . '/us', $s, $m)) return substr($s, strpos($s, $m[0])); else return false; } static function strrev($s) { $s = self::str_split($s); return implode('', array_reverse($s)); } static function strspn($s, $mask, $start = 0, $len = 2147483647) { if ($start || 2147483647 != $len) $s = self::substr($s, $start, $len); return preg_match('/^' . self::rxClass($mask) . '+/u', $s, $s) ? grapheme_strlen($s[0]) : 0; } static function strtr($s, $from, $to = INF) { if (INF !== $to) { $from = self::str_split($from); $to = self::str_split($to); $a = count($from); $b = count($to); if ($a > $b) $from = array_slice($from, 0, $b); else if ($a < $b) $to = array_slice($to , 0, $a); $from = array_combine($from, $to); } return strtr($s, $from); } static function substr_compare($a, $b, $offset, $len = 2147483647, $i = 0) { $a = self::substr($a, $offset, $len); return $i ? self::strcasecmp($a, $b) : self::strcmp($a, $b); } static function substr_count($s, $needle, $offset = 0, $len = 2147483647) { return substr_count(self::substr($s, $offset, $len), $needle); } static function substr_replace($s, $replace, $start, $len = 2147483647) { $s = self::str_split($s); $replace = self::str_split($replace); array_splice($s, $start, $len, $replace); return implode('', $s); } static function ucfirst($s) { $c = iconv_substr($s, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'); return self::ucwords($c) . substr($s, strlen($c)); } static function lcfirst($s) { $c = iconv_substr($s, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'); return mb_strtolower($c, 'UTF-8') . substr($s, strlen($c)); } static function ucwords($s) { return mb_convert_case($s, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8'); } static function number_format($number, $decimals = 0, $dec_point = '.', $thousands_sep = ',') { /**/ if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) /**/ { if (isset($thousands_sep[1]) || isset($dec_point[1])) { return str_replace( array('.', ','), array($dec_point, $thousands_sep), number_format($number, $decimals, '.', ',') ); } /**/ } return number_format($number, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); } static function utf8_encode($s) { $s = utf8_encode($s); if (false === strpos($s, "\xC2")) return $s; else return str_replace(self::$cp1252, self::$utf8, $s); } static function utf8_decode($s) { $s = str_replace(self::$utf8, self::$cp1252, $s); return utf8_decode($s); } protected static function rxClass($s, $class = '') { $class = array($class); foreach (self::str_split($s) as $s) { if ('-' === $s) $class[0] = '-' . $class[0]; else if (!isset($s[2])) $class[0] .= preg_quote($s, '/'); else if (1 === iconv_strlen($s, 'UTF-8')) $class[0] .= $s; else $class[] = $s; } $class[0] = '[' . $class[0] . ']'; if (1 === count($class)) return $class[0]; else return '(?:' . implode('|', $class) . ')'; } protected static function getData($file) { $file = __DIR__ . '/Utf8/data/' . $file . '.ser'; if (file_exists($file)) return unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); else return false; } }