
namespace Doctrine\Tests\Common\Annotations;

use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\SimpleAnnotationReader;

class SimpleAnnotationReaderTest extends AbstractReaderTest
     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, we do just ignore
     * these in the simple annotation reader (so, no expected exception here).
    public function testImportDetectsNotImportedAnnotation()

     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, we do just ignore
     * these in the simple annotation reader (so, no expected exception here).
    public function testImportDetectsNonExistentAnnotation()

     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, we do just ignore
     * these in the simple annotation reader (so, no expected exception here).
    public function testClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtClassDocBlock()

     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, we do just ignore
     * these in the simple annotation reader (so, no expected exception here).
    public function testClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtPropertyDocBlock()

     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, we do just ignore
     * these in the simple annotation reader (so, no expected exception here).
    public function testClassWithInvalidNestedAnnotationTargetAtPropertyDocBlock()

     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, we do just ignore
     * these in the simple annotation reader (so, no expected exception here).
    public function testClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtMethodDocBlock()

     * @expectedException Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException
    public function testInvalidAnnotationUsageButIgnoredClass()

     * @group DDC-1660
     * @group regression
     * Contrary to the behavior of the default annotation reader, @version is not ignored
    public function testInvalidAnnotationButIgnored()
        $reader = $this->getReader();
        $class  = new \ReflectionClass('Doctrine\Tests\Common\Annotations\Fixtures\ClassDDC1660');

        $this->assertCount(1, $reader->getClassAnnotations($class));
        $this->assertCount(1, $reader->getMethodAnnotations($class->getMethod('bar')));
        $this->assertCount(1, $reader->getPropertyAnnotations($class->getProperty('foo')));
    protected function getReader()
        $reader = new SimpleAnnotationReader();
        $reader->addNamespace(__NAMESPACE__ . '\Fixtures');
        $reader->addNamespace(__NAMESPACE__ . '\Fixtures\Annotation');

        return $reader;