. */ namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Visitor\Visitor; use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException; /** * Object Representation of a table. * * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @author Benjamin Eberlei */ class Table extends AbstractAsset { /** * @var string */ protected $_name = null; /** * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column[] */ protected $_columns = array(); /** * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index[] */ protected $_indexes = array(); /** * @var string */ protected $_primaryKeyName = false; /** * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint[] */ protected $_fkConstraints = array(); /** * @var array */ protected $_options = array(); /** * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaConfig */ protected $_schemaConfig = null; /** * @param string $tableName * @param array $columns * @param array $indexes * @param array $fkConstraints * @param integer $idGeneratorType * @param array $options * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException */ public function __construct($tableName, array $columns=array(), array $indexes=array(), array $fkConstraints=array(), $idGeneratorType = 0, array $options=array()) { if (strlen($tableName) == 0) { throw DBALException::invalidTableName($tableName); } $this->_setName($tableName); $this->_idGeneratorType = $idGeneratorType; foreach ($columns as $column) { $this->_addColumn($column); } foreach ($indexes as $idx) { $this->_addIndex($idx); } foreach ($fkConstraints as $constraint) { $this->_addForeignKeyConstraint($constraint); } $this->_options = $options; } /** * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaConfig $schemaConfig * * @return void */ public function setSchemaConfig(SchemaConfig $schemaConfig) { $this->_schemaConfig = $schemaConfig; } /** * @return integer */ protected function _getMaxIdentifierLength() { if ($this->_schemaConfig instanceof SchemaConfig) { return $this->_schemaConfig->getMaxIdentifierLength(); } else { return 63; } } /** * Sets the Primary Key. * * @param array $columns * @param string|boolean $indexName * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function setPrimaryKey(array $columns, $indexName = false) { $primaryKey = $this->_createIndex($columns, $indexName ?: "primary", true, true); foreach ($columns as $columnName) { $column = $this->getColumn($columnName); $column->setNotnull(true); } return $primaryKey; } /** * @param array $columnNames * @param string|null $indexName * @param array $flags * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function addIndex(array $columnNames, $indexName = null, array $flags = array()) { if($indexName == null) { $indexName = $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge(array($this->getName()), $columnNames), "idx", $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength() ); } return $this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, false, false, $flags); } /** * Drops the primary key from this table. * * @return void */ public function dropPrimaryKey() { $this->dropIndex($this->_primaryKeyName); $this->_primaryKeyName = false; } /** * Drops an index from this table. * * @param string $indexName The index name. * * @return void * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException If the index does not exist. */ public function dropIndex($indexName) { $indexName = strtolower($indexName); if ( ! $this->hasIndex($indexName)) { throw SchemaException::indexDoesNotExist($indexName, $this->_name); } unset($this->_indexes[$indexName]); } /** * @param array $columnNames * @param string|null $indexName * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function addUniqueIndex(array $columnNames, $indexName = null) { if ($indexName === null) { $indexName = $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge(array($this->getName()), $columnNames), "uniq", $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength() ); } return $this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, true, false); } /** * Checks if an index begins in the order of the given columns. * * @param array $columnsNames * * @return boolean */ public function columnsAreIndexed(array $columnsNames) { foreach ($this->getIndexes() as $index) { /* @var $index Index */ if ($index->spansColumns($columnsNames)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param array $columnNames * @param string $indexName * @param boolean $isUnique * @param boolean $isPrimary * @param array $flags * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException */ private function _createIndex(array $columnNames, $indexName, $isUnique, $isPrimary, array $flags = array()) { if (preg_match('(([^a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', $indexName)) { throw SchemaException::indexNameInvalid($indexName); } foreach ($columnNames as $columnName => $indexColOptions) { if (is_numeric($columnName) && is_string($indexColOptions)) { $columnName = $indexColOptions; } if ( ! $this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName, $this->_name); } } $this->_addIndex(new Index($indexName, $columnNames, $isUnique, $isPrimary, $flags)); return $this; } /** * @param string $columnName * @param string $typeName * @param array $options * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column */ public function addColumn($columnName, $typeName, array $options=array()) { $column = new Column($columnName, Type::getType($typeName), $options); $this->_addColumn($column); return $column; } /** * Renames a Column. * * @param string $oldColumnName * @param string $newColumnName * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException */ public function renameColumn($oldColumnName, $newColumnName) { throw new DBALException("Table#renameColumn() was removed, because it drops and recreates " . "the column instead. There is no fix available, because a schema diff cannot reliably detect if a " . "column was renamed or one column was created and another one dropped."); } /** * Change Column Details. * * @param string $columnName * @param array $options * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function changeColumn($columnName, array $options) { $column = $this->getColumn($columnName); $column->setOptions($options); return $this; } /** * Drops a Column from the Table. * * @param string $columnName * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function dropColumn($columnName) { $columnName = strtolower($columnName); unset($this->_columns[$columnName]); return $this; } /** * Adds a foreign key constraint. * * Name is inferred from the local columns. * * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table $foreignTable * @param array $localColumnNames * @param array $foreignColumnNames * @param array $options * @param string|null $constraintName * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function addForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, array $localColumnNames, array $foreignColumnNames, array $options=array(), $constraintName = null) { $constraintName = $constraintName ?: $this->_generateIdentifierName(array_merge((array)$this->getName(), $localColumnNames), "fk", $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength()); return $this->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint($constraintName, $foreignTable, $localColumnNames, $foreignColumnNames, $options); } /** * Adds a foreign key constraint. * * Name is to be generated by the database itself. * * @deprecated Use {@link addForeignKeyConstraint} * * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table $foreignTable * @param array $localColumnNames * @param array $foreignColumnNames * @param array $options * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function addUnnamedForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, array $localColumnNames, array $foreignColumnNames, array $options=array()) { return $this->addForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, $localColumnNames, $foreignColumnNames, $options); } /** * Adds a foreign key constraint with a given name. * * @deprecated Use {@link addForeignKeyConstraint} * * @param string $name * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table $foreignTable * @param array $localColumnNames * @param array $foreignColumnNames * @param array $options * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException */ public function addNamedForeignKeyConstraint($name, $foreignTable, array $localColumnNames, array $foreignColumnNames, array $options=array()) { if ($foreignTable instanceof Table) { foreach ($foreignColumnNames as $columnName) { if ( ! $foreignTable->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName, $foreignTable->getName()); } } } foreach ($localColumnNames as $columnName) { if ( ! $this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName, $this->_name); } } $constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraint( $localColumnNames, $foreignTable, $foreignColumnNames, $name, $options ); $this->_addForeignKeyConstraint($constraint); return $this; } /** * @param string $name * @param string $value * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */ public function addOption($name, $value) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; return $this; } /** * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column $column * * @return void * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException */ protected function _addColumn(Column $column) { $columnName = $column->getName(); $columnName = strtolower($columnName); if (isset($this->_columns[$columnName])) { throw SchemaException::columnAlreadyExists($this->getName(), $columnName); } $this->_columns[$columnName] = $column; } /** * Adds an index to the table. * * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index $indexCandidate * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException */ protected function _addIndex(Index $indexCandidate) { // check for duplicates foreach ($this->_indexes as $existingIndex) { if ($indexCandidate->isFullfilledBy($existingIndex)) { return $this; } } $indexName = $indexCandidate->getName(); $indexName = strtolower($indexName); if (isset($this->_indexes[$indexName]) || ($this->_primaryKeyName != false && $indexCandidate->isPrimary())) { throw SchemaException::indexAlreadyExists($indexName, $this->_name); } // remove overruled indexes foreach ($this->_indexes as $idxKey => $existingIndex) { if ($indexCandidate->overrules($existingIndex)) { unset($this->_indexes[$idxKey]); } } if ($indexCandidate->isPrimary()) { $this->_primaryKeyName = $indexName; } $this->_indexes[$indexName] = $indexCandidate; return $this; } /** * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint $constraint * * @return void */ protected function _addForeignKeyConstraint(ForeignKeyConstraint $constraint) { $constraint->setLocalTable($this); if(strlen($constraint->getName())) { $name = $constraint->getName(); } else { $name = $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge((array)$this->getName(), $constraint->getLocalColumns()), "fk", $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength() ); } $name = strtolower($name); $this->_fkConstraints[$name] = $constraint; // add an explicit index on the foreign key columns. If there is already an index that fulfils this requirements drop the request. // In the case of __construct calling this method during hydration from schema-details all the explicitly added indexes // lead to duplicates. This creates computation overhead in this case, however no duplicate indexes are ever added (based on columns). $this->addIndex($constraint->getColumns()); } /** * Returns whether this table has a foreign key constraint with the given name. * * @param string $constraintName * * @return boolean */ public function hasForeignKey($constraintName) { $constraintName = strtolower($constraintName); return isset($this->_fkConstraints[$constraintName]); } /** * Returns the foreign key constraint with the given name. * * @param string $constraintName The constraint name. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException If the foreign key does not exist. */ public function getForeignKey($constraintName) { $constraintName = strtolower($constraintName); if(!$this->hasForeignKey($constraintName)) { throw SchemaException::foreignKeyDoesNotExist($constraintName, $this->_name); } return $this->_fkConstraints[$constraintName]; } /** * Removes the foreign key constraint with the given name. * * @param string $constraintName The constraint name. * * @return void * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException */ public function removeForeignKey($constraintName) { $constraintName = strtolower($constraintName); if(!$this->hasForeignKey($constraintName)) { throw SchemaException::foreignKeyDoesNotExist($constraintName, $this->_name); } unset($this->_fkConstraints[$constraintName]); } /** * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column[] */ public function getColumns() { $columns = $this->_columns; $pkCols = array(); $fkCols = array(); if ($this->hasPrimaryKey()) { $pkCols = $this->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns(); } foreach ($this->getForeignKeys() as $fk) { /* @var $fk ForeignKeyConstraint */ $fkCols = array_merge($fkCols, $fk->getColumns()); } $colNames = array_unique(array_merge($pkCols, $fkCols, array_keys($columns))); uksort($columns, function($a, $b) use($colNames) { return (array_search($a, $colNames) >= array_search($b, $colNames)); }); return $columns; } /** * Returns whether this table has a Column with the given name. * * @param string $columnName The column name. * * @return boolean */ public function hasColumn($columnName) { $columnName = $this->trimQuotes(strtolower($columnName)); return isset($this->_columns[$columnName]); } /** * Returns the Column with the given name. * * @param string $columnName The column name. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException If the column does not exist. */ public function getColumn($columnName) { $columnName = strtolower($this->trimQuotes($columnName)); if ( ! $this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName, $this->_name); } return $this->_columns[$columnName]; } /** * Returns the primary key. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index|null The primary key, or null if this Table has no primary key. */ public function getPrimaryKey() { if ( ! $this->hasPrimaryKey()) { return null; } return $this->getIndex($this->_primaryKeyName); } /** * Returns the primary key columns. * * @return array * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException */ public function getPrimaryKeyColumns() { if ( ! $this->hasPrimaryKey()) { throw new DBALException("Table " . $this->getName() . " has no primary key."); } return $this->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns(); } /** * Returns whether this table has a primary key. * * @return boolean */ public function hasPrimaryKey() { return ($this->_primaryKeyName && $this->hasIndex($this->_primaryKeyName)); } /** * Returns whether this table has an Index with the given name. * * @param string $indexName The index name. * * @return boolean */ public function hasIndex($indexName) { $indexName = strtolower($indexName); return (isset($this->_indexes[$indexName])); } /** * Returns the Index with the given name. * * @param string $indexName The index name. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException If the index does not exist. */ public function getIndex($indexName) { $indexName = strtolower($indexName); if ( ! $this->hasIndex($indexName)) { throw SchemaException::indexDoesNotExist($indexName, $this->_name); } return $this->_indexes[$indexName]; } /** * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index[] */ public function getIndexes() { return $this->_indexes; } /** * Returns the foreign key constraints. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint[] */ public function getForeignKeys() { return $this->_fkConstraints; } /** * @param string $name * * @return boolean */ public function hasOption($name) { return isset($this->_options[$name]); } /** * @param string $name * * @return mixed */ public function getOption($name) { return $this->_options[$name]; } /** * @return array */ public function getOptions() { return $this->_options; } /** * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Visitor\Visitor $visitor * * @return void */ public function visit(Visitor $visitor) { $visitor->acceptTable($this); foreach ($this->getColumns() as $column) { $visitor->acceptColumn($this, $column); } foreach ($this->getIndexes() as $index) { $visitor->acceptIndex($this, $index); } foreach ($this->getForeignKeys() as $constraint) { $visitor->acceptForeignKey($this, $constraint); } } /** * Clone of a Table triggers a deep clone of all affected assets. * * @return void */ public function __clone() { foreach ($this->_columns as $k => $column) { $this->_columns[$k] = clone $column; } foreach ($this->_indexes as $k => $index) { $this->_indexes[$k] = clone $index; } foreach ($this->_fkConstraints as $k => $fk) { $this->_fkConstraints[$k] = clone $fk; $this->_fkConstraints[$k]->setLocalTable($this); } } }