1.3.0 / 2013-08-21 ================== * Added modifier methods firstOfMonth(), lastOfMonth(), nthOfMonth(), next(), previous(), and so on * Added modifiers startOfWeek() and endOfWeek() * Added testing helpers to allow mocking of new Carbon(), new Carbon('now') and Carbon::now() * Added formatLocalized() to format a string using strftime() with the current locale * Improved diffInSeconds() * Improved [add|sub][Years|Months|Days|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Weeks] * Docblocks everywhere ;( * Magic class properties * Added PHP 5.5 to travis test coverage * General Code cleanup 1.2.0 / 2012-10-14 ================== * Added history.md * Implemented __isset() (thanks @flevour) * Simplified tomorrow()/yesterday() to rely on today()... more DRY * Simplified __set() and fixed exception text * Updated readme 1.1.0 / 2012-09-16 ================== * Updated composer.json * Added better error messaging for failed readme generation * Fixed readme typos * Added static helpers `today()`, `tomorrow()`, `yesterday()` * Simplified `now()` code 1.0.1 / 2012-09-10 ================== * Added travis-ci.org 1.0.0 / 2012-09-10 ================== * Initial release