printer = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Zend(); $this->parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function configure() { parent::configure(); $this->setName('compile') ->setDescription('Compiles classes into a single file') ->addOption('config', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'CSV of filenames to load, or the path to a PHP script that returns an array of file names') ->addOption('output', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED) ->addOption('fix_dir', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Convert __DIR__ constants to the original directory of a file', 1) ->addOption('fix_file', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Convert __FILE__ constants to the original path of a file', 1) ->addOption('strip_comments', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Set to 1 to strip comments from each source file', 0) ->setHelp(<< command iterates over each script, normalizes the file to be wrapped in namespaces, and combines each file into a single PHP file. EOF ); } /** * Get the node traverser used by the command * * @return NodeTraverser */ protected function getTraverser() { if (!$this->traverser) { $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser(); if ($this->input->getOption('fix_dir')) { $this->traverser->addVisitor(new DirVisitor($file)); } if ($this->input->getOption('fix_file')) { $this->traverser->addVisitor(new FileVisitor($file)); } } return $this->traverser; } /** * Get a pretty printed string of code from a file while applying visitors * * @param string $file Name of the file to get code from * @param NodeTraverser $traverser Node traverser * * @return string */ protected function getCode($file) { if (!is_readable($file)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot open {$file} for reading"); } if ($this->input->getOption('strip_comments')) { $content = php_strip_whitespace($file); } else { $content = file_get_contents($file); } $stmts = $this->getTraverser() ->traverseFile($this->parser->parse($content), $file); $pretty = $this->printer->prettyPrint($stmts); // Remove the open PHP tag if (substr($pretty, 6) == "input->getOption('output')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An output option is required'); } if (!$this->input->getOption('config')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A config option is required'); } } /** * Get a list of files in order * * @param mixed $config Configuration option * * @return array */ protected function getFileList($config) { $this->output->writeln('> Loading configuration file'); $filesystem = new Filesystem(); if (strpos($config, ',')) { return array_filter(explode(',', $config)); } // Ensure absolute paths are resolved if (!$filesystem->isAbsolutePath($config)) { $config = getcwd() . '/' . $config; } // Ensure that the config file exists if (!file_exists($config)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Configuration file "%s" does not exist.', $config)); } $result = require $config; if ($result instanceof Config) { foreach ($result->getVisitors() as $visitor) { $this->getTraverser()->addVisitor($visitor); } return $result; } elseif (is_array($result)) { return $result; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Config must return an array of filenames or a Config object' ); } /** * Prepare the output file and directory * * @param string $outputFile The full path to the output file */ protected function prepareOutput($outputFile) { $dir = dirname($outputFile); if (!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create directory ' . $dir); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->input = $input; $this->output = $output; $this->validateCommand(); $outputFile = $this->input->getOption('output'); $config = $this->input->getOption('config'); $files = $this->getFileList($config); $output->writeLn('- Found ' . count($files) . ' files'); // Make sure that the output dir can be used or create it $this->prepareOutput($outputFile); if (!$handle = fopen($input->getOption('output'), 'w')) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Unable to open {$outputFile} for writing" ); } // Write the first line of the output fwrite($handle, "writeln('> Compiling classes'); foreach ($files as $file) { $this->output->writeln('- Writing ' . $file); fwrite($handle, $this->getCode($file) . "\n"); } fclose($handle); $output->writeln("> Compiled loader written to {$outputFile}"); $output->writeln('- ' . (round(filesize($outputFile) / 1024)) . ' kb'); } }